We are an event production company. The principle of rental is generally agreed upon to be an essential asset in circular economy. Focusing on maximizing our rental potential has therefore become one of our key priorities. WI already have an extended and well organized rental offering to be consulted on our website, but we are well aware of the fact that we can do better on many levels.
Thorough analysis of our current rental chain, screening options with WIPEOPLE involved from sales and engineers to warehouse workers together with an assessment of client needs will bring us closer to our target of enhanced circularity.

Analysis and research to detect extra circularity potential
Construction flow with rental becoming more dominant or even the sole option to start with the design phase
Extension of rental offer
Transparent communication
Better customer experience
Recent research has found that renting can be 30% to 50% better for the environment when it comes to greenhouse gas emissions
The fact that WIRENTAL explores all the options to cover productional needs as much as possible with existing warehouse gear, structures and materials or re-using, refurbishing or recycling them, is an important step in our ambition to a maximum warehouse circularity.
The rotating bridge for the 2022 Cremonini show comes out of our warehouses and is a perfect example of WI rental scenario 1 namely: when a creative or productional demand comes in, first thing we do is screening whether requirements can be fully covered by existing gear, objects or structures stocked in our warehouses. If so, ‘off the shelve’ is of course always the most cost efficient solution. The Cremonini rotating bridge is such a case.
Rotating Bridge 100% rental
Cremonini Tour 2022

When requirements cannot fully be covered by existing rental material, we enter scenario nr 2 namely: our engineers and technicians evaluate where and what specific customization might be needed. Scenario 2 is a fuse scenario and covers a range of options going from minor adaptations such as a specific cover colour for a part of a structure to very comprehensive almost ‘rebuildings’ with the original existing element or material as the basis for an almost new object, structure or machine.
Custom shelter reshaped
G-Star 2019
Scenario 3 pops up when productional or creative demands can in no way be covered by existing rental pieces or structures. Then new structures or gear are being built, of course always with the highest focus on re-using and recycling raw materials which is also a ‘rental aspect’.
WI philosophy is all about reducing virgin materials.
In an ideal live event setting this would be 0. A tough target for a traditionally
energy and resources devouring sector.
The collaboration with the students of international business management provided us with a methodology we will further explore and translate into actionable rental goals.